Topic: Help with my Medicare options & issues


General Medicare information, ordering Medicare booklets, and information about health plans.

Toll-free phone: (800) 633-4227

Information on local seminars and health fairs on Medicare health plan choices, or to report a complaint directly to CMS.

Local phone: (214) 767-6423

Medigap Policies

Local phone: (512) 463-6169
Toll-free phone: (800) 252-3439

(For Railroad Retirement beneficiaries only) – RRB benefits, lost RRB Medicare card, address change, and enrolling in Medicare.

Local TDD: (312) 751-4701
Toll-free phone: (877) 772-5772

Changing my address, Medicare Part A or Part B, lost Medicare card, and Social Security benefits.

Toll-free phone: (800) 772-1213

Personalized health insurance counseling

Toll-free phone: (800) 252-9240
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